What Is PPC and How Does It Work

Pay per click

One of the most influential digital marketing goals is to get your site to rank high on Google. Ranking your website on the top can be quite a challenging aspect. Moreover, it takes a lot of work and in-depth knowledge of how the website functions. Also, it can be a time-consuming and unpredictable process too. Meanwhile, if you're not an expert and looking to have your site for a particular event, location, or season, then pay-per-click (PPC) is the best option for you.


PPC stands for Pay-per-click. This is a form of promotion in which the business holder sets a budget for the ads on a given platform such as Google or Facebook. Now, you may access a variety of similar types of advertising where you pay only when the intended interaction, i.e., views, clicks, or impressions, occurs.

PPC advertising is significant for your business's broader online marketing campaign. It can be beneficial for specialized time-sensitive campaigns as it addresses competitors and helps break things into new geographic markets.

But, the PPC campaigns can be pretty expensive if your marketer uses it as the sole approach. Therefore, it should be used in the context of a strategy that includes search engine optimization.

How Does it Work?

PPC is a broad category. It includes a wide variety of platforms and mediums. At V1 Technologies, we divide it into two different types:

Google PPC Ads

In a PPC campaign, businesses pay Google however much they wish to have them list ads for the site at the top and right of the organic search listings. When someone clicks the ad, you pay the current Cost Per Click (CPC) from your budget.

After the entire budget has been depleted, Google ceases to run the ads until you replenish the fund. Major Google Ads include Search Ads, Local Search Ads, and Remarketing.

Search Ads

Google Search Ads are the most commonly recognized form of pay-per-click advertisement. You may come across these types of ads above or beside Google search results. If someone explores for products or services you offer, your ad will pop out in the first list. However, the PPC model enables you to pay only when they click on that ad.

In order to design a Search Ad campaign, businesses need to write the ad copy, select the keywords to be shown from, and then set the daily budget. Apart from that, there is an intensive management process to ensure customers get the best possible return on investment.

Local Search Ads

Local Search Ads also fall under the category of PPC advertisement. Moreover, they are a specialized subset. These are location-focused ads that help target users searching for businesses or services near you on Google or Google Maps.

By default, Google Ads sets the campaign live nationally. Also, if the businesses ship to a specific area or provide service to a particular geographic location, it's best to customize the site targeting in the Google Ads.

Social PPC Ads

Social PPC can offer unmatched audience refinement. Here, the ad is run on social media pages such as Facebook, Instagram, and more to garner customer engagement.