Top SEO Wave for 2022


2022 is coming, and so is your business! Are you ready to deal with your clients in the most innovative way? Well, most companies know that search engine optimization (SEO) is critical in attracting consumers to their online platform. However, the best thing about SEO is it's dynamic. Businesses need to stay at the top in order to maximize business outcomes.

Also, if SEO strategies rely on older techniques, it's time to power up to the latest trends. The fact is that many older strategies are not only practical but equally outdated. To help you stay at the top, V1 Technologies offers the latest online marketing solution.

Here are some key areas you need to focus on for 2022.

Artificial Intelligence will pave SEO

AI continues to make things seamless. Google's AI Rankbrain plays a significant role in today's SEO ranking. Since Google revealed Rankbrain, many businesses are wondering how this affects SEO.

Google never shares details on the inner workings; experts believe that user experience is one of the critical ranking factors. Click-through rate and amount of time a user spends have a significant effect on the ranking here.

Long-Form Content

In order to keep crawlers attracted to your website, it is highly essential to shift to a long-form content strategy. Content with over 3000 words is likely to get more traffic and more shares. At V1 Technologies, our team has moved to develop quality long-term content to enhance your search rankings. But, it is equally essential to ensure that the readers are engaged with the content.

So, how do you keep readers engaged? Well, it's best to break the content into multiple sub-sections using H2 and H3. The aim here is to make the content accessible for readers to browse.


Mobile-friendliness has been a cornerstone of SEO since 2015. However, it's more critical than ever due to the rising number of mobile users. In 2019, Google rolled out mobile-first indexing. The search engines primarily focus on the mobile version of the website.

Also, Google ensures that its algorithm checks how elective your mobile site is with the mobile-friendly tests. With all the available tools, V1 Technologies help you grab the top-notch spot in the SERPs.

Googles' EAT Principle

Google focuses on content quality when it comes to SERP ranking. However, this may leave most businesses wondering what Google means by "quality content." When trying to enhance the quality of content for SEO purposes, it is essential to focus on EAT standards, i.e., Expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness.

Effective SEO Needs Videos

Developing optimized video content should be an integral part of the strategy. There are numerous online video platforms, and these areas give your business the options to promote seamlessly. One of the best ways here is to optimize the video channel description by including a user-friendly overview. Remember, keywords play a significant role when optimizing; therefore, you need to choose the helpful context that attracts your audience.


SEO continues to lead the online market. Besides, it's continually growing. So take the right approach and help your business stay ahead in the competition.