3 Things to Avoid When Going for Android Application Development

Android Application Development

The smartphone landscape is enhancing day by day. Even when there is such staggering growth, not all android applications can storm the market. There are inevitable mistakes that developers make that risks the potential of your business. So, it is always best to select the right agency for app development.

The android platform is top-rated due to the benefits that it offers. Perhaps, it is an open platform, and anyone can develop an application. But what is surprising to know is, android applications come with many errors even from trained developers. Although it is customizable, a professionalapp might still bring a contrary view in the customer's mindset. We recommend developing an app under a licensed agency as they tend to offer high-quality feature-laden service.

When most of the companies are running for app development, it essentially means that the development procedure runs at lightning speed. As a result, there will be errors. In contrast, as customers lack technical ideas, most of the agency never let you know. So, here are some essential points to know whether your app is error-free or not.

App That Is Compatible for All Devices

The market is full of android gadgets, and therefore, your app will be running on devices with size variation. Your app will be run on a mobile or even a tablet. Although this provides a vast spectrum of customers, poor development will be a cause of concern. On the other side, a professional agency will develop a responsive app with a flexible interface that adapts to various screen configurations.

Cloning theApp

Android and iOSare two primary OS, and most of the businesses tend to offer development for both of these platforms. It is always beneficial to have an influential projection in both the system; however, developing the same quality app is a big no-no. You should understand that both of these platforms are very different from each other, and it is better to develop a distinct design. While Android apps are developed under the Android OS, iOS exhibits certain anomalies. A well-trained developer understands about all these features.

Blocking the Main Thread

When an app launches on the Android OS, the system develops a new Linux process with one main execution thread. Blocking the main thread creates a rougher user interface and hinders its responsiveness. To avoid such things, it is better to use UI thread for network calls, bitmap loading, SD reading and writing, image processing, and database querying.

The market is filled with app development agencies; however, it is best to hire an agency with professional and robust outreach. V1 Technologies provides cutting-edge technology when developing an application for the Android system. Our team ensures seamless service at the best price. Moreover, we guarantee you a visually stunning UI/UX for your app. To succeed in today’s competitive world, it is always best to run a well-suited platform for your business. Android is a powerful system and evolves quickly; thus, we ensure you stay ahead.