Significance of Responsive Web Design for Online Visibility

Significance of Responsive Web Design for Online Visibility

Do you still remember the shrunken version of a desktop on your phone? Remember, how you pinched and zoomed to search for information? Definitely, it was not an optimal experience. Back in 2015, Google came up with a change that allowed a user-friendly web version on smartphones.

Responsive Website

A responsive website produces a layout that is ideal for mobile viewing. The most significant factor for a responsive website includes

Websites that don't offer such technicalities can duly experience a decline in their website ranking. You should know that over 60% of searches now come from a mobile device.

Benefits of Responsive Design

There are several benefits to having a responsive design. In fact, website responsiveness is the best way to refine the content. People using a mobile device can see the information that they need. Also, Google algorithm update increases the visibility of the website that is responsive. A site with an efficient mobile experience will show up in the SERPs quickly.

Key Factors for A Responsive Design

One needs to consider many things when creating a responsive layout. Here we mention three absolute components for a responsive web design

A Fluid Grid

The grid is crucial when designing a responsive layout. Grids are important and web designers have been using it since a very long time. Previously, grids were fixed width and wouldn't support a fluid website layout. However, a fluid grid ensures that the design is flexible and scalable. Elements will have a consistent proportion and spacing. It can adjust to specific screen-width based on percentages.

Flexible Images & Text

Displaying a readable text can generate conversion. On mobile responsive websites, you have the opportunity to increase or decrease the font size and line-height. Flexible text and images adjust within a website layout width asset with the CSS (stylesheet). However, a flexible image can be more challenging. This is generally due to load times on a smaller device. But depending upon the content type, these images may scale, crop or disappear.

Media Queries

Media queries have significance as these are codes that power flexibility of a layout on a responsive website. It specifies the CSS depending upon a device's breakpoint. Media queries focus on multiple layouts of a design which use the same HTML coded web page.

The Future of Responsive Design

Google requires optimized elements for an effective mobile-friendly user experience. Therefore, here’s what you can expect in the future

Why You Need A Responsive Design for Your Business?

There are other ways through which you can enhance the mobile-friendly experience.