Android App Developer: Here is What You Should Know

Android App Developer: Here is What You Should Know

Our majority of the time that you use to spend on our Android Phone is on applications, Apps are now a day’s most important as well as very essential need for our Android Phone.

If you talk about America, 77% of Americans today own smart phones and the majority of the time that they use it; it goes in accessing mobile applications. One interesting fact is, in the year 2017 around 197 billion android apps were downloaded, so you can say that carrier in Android app developer is more than.

The android platform was launched in the year 2008 and day by day you are seeing that the market is furnishing with massive growth. Now from the business point of view, I have some data for you this data has some mind-changing figures.

Taking the example of the Google Play store, which is the largest app store. The number of applications increases rapidly in the year 2016 it was 2.6 million to march 2017 it was 2.8 million.

Google Play store has been used by more than 1 billion people with 270 billion expected app downloads, with a revenue of $77 billion this more than the GDP of some country and this only a profit of one company of Google.

Now by knowing these figures, you are now having some idea about the promising potential of having an android application and whether you should have an android application for your business or not.

If till now you are not convinced about the potential of Android Application then for you the other reasons that android application is good for your business are-

Enhanced Customer Engagement

In business, the most important part is your customer asks for your service again in the future, so for this, you need to engage with your customers for revenue and an android application can do this thing for you.

The main part of an android application is that it gives the company access to get engage with their customers directly and a unique way and that too a real-time meets up type.

So, costumer, will automaticity feel that they are special and their concerns and points are solved in real-time and this thing surely going to impress customers and this thing give you repeat business.

Customer Support

As the number of customers gets increases then automatically your brand value also gets increased, so the application will help your customer to get in touch with your brand.

So, by use of Application, you can show that you are standing with your customer and there is always a communication medium between your brand and customer.

Promotional Offer

Promotional offer and new product launch is always big news for customers for this brand invest a handsome amount of money in the advertisement for this promotional offer and new products.

This promotional work can easily be done by the help of application as you can send them to push notification directly to their Smartphone without any charges, every time a new product or offer launches just send them to push notification easily.

So, it just not ends here, from now our relation starts with you. You can contact us to build your dream application, don’t worry you can hire our V1 Technologies service; you are offering Android app development services at affordable prices.